Commenting and You

One of many useful features is the user-submitted comment system. This system allows users to submit their own comments to augment the data provided here. As a rule, we promote the submission of informative comments, but we also like to see the occasional joke. Moderators and users alike will apply positive and negative ratings to comments in an effort to promote the useful ones and purge unnecessary information.

With that in mind, below is a guide that can be used to determine how your comment will likely be received by the community.
  • Read existing comments – Sometimes, the information you have may already have been posted by another user. In this case, if the information is useful, the existing comment should be given a positive rank. Posting information that was already added in a previous comment will likely result in a negative rating.
  • Verify your facts – Make sure that what you have to post is true. A friend might tell you that a mob is immune to Frost Nova, but unless you verify that yourself, you could be posting a potentially misleading comment.
  • Temporary usability – If you want to correct invalid or missing information on a page, keep in mind that your comment may go from a positive ranking to a negative ranking when the correction occurs. For example, informing the community that a spell is cast by Illidan Stormrage before that data has been collected will be useful at first, but once Aowow learns to parse that information and adds it to the 'Abilities' tab, your comment becomes redundant. If you do not want to worry about the comment or do not want one of your comments to be rated negatively, consider informing us in the Site Feedback forum. The moderation staff will be happy to add a comment to correct invalid or missing information on the page for you. Alternatively, you can delete your comment later when it becomes redundant.