Screenshots: Tips & Tricks

We thrive on user contributions! Quest data, database comments, forum posts - you name it, we love it! One of our favorite methods of contribution is via uploaded screenshots, images depicting various items, NPCs or quest details in the World of Warcraft. Users can submit screenshots to any database page which will then be reviewed by our staff and, upon approval, added to a database page! Taking and uploading screenshots is easy!

The information below is graciously provided by Blizzard Support.

Taking Screenshots on Windows

  • While in the game, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard.
  • You should see a "Screen Captured" message.
  • The screenshot will appear as a .JPG file in the Screenshots folder, in your main World of Warcraft directory.
  • You should be able to double click on the screenshot files to view the screenshots in Windows default image viewer.
Extra notes for Windows Vista users
  • Due to extra security on the system the screenshots will be saved to the following folder:C:\\users\\*your user name*\\AppData\\Local\\VirtualStore\\Program Files\\World of Warcraft\\Screenshots
  • You may also have to turn on the ability to view hidden files as the AppData folder may be hidden.
    • Click the Start/Window button, select Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Folder Options.
    • Next click on the View tab, under the Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, and click OK to finish.

Taking Screenshots on Mac

  • Players can take a screenshot in-game using the keyboard key bound to the Print Screen functionality.
  • If you have a keyboard with an F13 key, press the key to take an in-game screenshot. Players without an F13 key on the keyboard can change the default Screen Shot key in the Key Bindings menu.
  • You should see a "Screen Captured" message.
  • The screenshot will appear as a JPEG file in the Screenshots folder, in your main World of Warcraft folder.
Remember to turn off your in-game UI using the Alt+Z (or ⌘+V) command! Upon taking your screenshot, you can then go in and use an image editor (such as the free program Paint.NET) to crop your image for faster upload. You can select specific sections of a screenshot to upload (if you are featuring a particular piece of armor, for example) and save the file, then simply upload your pre-cropped image directly! If not, you can easily crop your screenshot after uploading but before submitting using our handy tool.

To submit a screenshot, simply navigate to the database entry for which you've taken a screenshot and navigate to the 'Contribute' section. Select the 'Submit a screenshot' tab and click 'Choose file' to locate the file on your system. Remember that only PNG and JPG file types are accepted! Once you have selected the screenshot simply click "Submit" and you're on your way! You will then be able to crop the image if necessary before your image is finally submitted for review. Upon approval (which may take up to 72 hours) your screenshot will then be featured on the database page, as well as in a 'Screenshots' tab in your user profile!

Quality Tips

A good screenshot is like a miniature piece of art. It should showcase the main object, but take into account the details around it. The same 7 elements of art design come into play here, Line, Shape, Form, Space, Texture, Light & Color. We'll touch on several of these and how to make use of the in game settings and mechanics to enhance your pictures.

Turn your resolution and color sampling as high as your computer can handle. Turn on all the image effects and details, but turn down the weather effects to the lowest setting. In general you want all your glow and spell effects maxed to really show the environment to its fullest potential (they actually help with the lighting too!) You may find a shot that you need to play with these settings to enhance, sometimes turning down environmental detail is helpful to remove extra grasses.

World of Warcraft actually has an internal setting for screenshot quality, and by default that quality is set to 3/10. You can turn this up, though, in order to take higher quality screenshots. In order to do so, type this command into your chatbox:

/console screenshotQuality 10
Most of the time taking the pictures from 1st person view works best, so zoom all the way in so that you're looking through your character's eyes. Occasionally the object might be too big (large NPCs especially) to use this view - if this is the case get as close to them as you can without having your body in the shot and swing the camera around to get the angle that you're looking for.

Pay attention to the light - a well lit picture is 10 times better than a dark one. You may even want to do a little color correcting before uploading - increase the brightness and contrast a touch. For instance - it's a lot easier to take pictures in sunny Stormwind than deep in the mountains of torch lit Ironforge. Daytime pictures also turn out better than night.

Featuring Armor

We want to see the armor! Not Joe Schmoe in the armor. In general you want close ups of the piece itself (except for full set pictures). Don't be afraid to submit a 4 inch picture of one glove. Once's it's cropped and loaded and shrunk down to the thumbnail it will look great!

Use your best judgment when cropping armor pics, but remember - we want to see details of the armor - not the person or a far away image. Of course, this also applies to weapons or any other piece of equipment!

Featuring NPCs

Full body shots should be the norm. If you can't get a good full shot (e.g. they're standing behind a counter) get the waist up shot. There's no need to include the on-screen text and titles of NPCs. The website already lists those, so just get in close and take a great shot of the NPC itself.

Get down on their level - you may need to "/sit" or even "/sleep" to get a good view of something low to the ground (scorpions, boots, spiders, etc.)

When capturing moving NPCs, try to get as much a head on front shot as you can, being willing to take a few hits while you take picture of a mob attacking you can make for a great shot. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, sitting in place for a while and waiting for it to path in front of you is often easier and faster than running around it trying to get your shot.

Talking to friendly NPCs will usually make them face you - you can then spin around and get the best background for your picture. You may also catch them in an interesting motion or gesture.