Quick Facts
  • Boss: Omen
  • Start: 2026/01/22 at 00:01 AM
  • End: 2026/02/05 at 00:01 AM
  • Interval: 365 days
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Lunar Festival

Every year the druids of Moonglade hold a celebration of their city's great triumph over an ancient evil. During the Lunar Festival, citizens of Azeroth have the opportunity to honor their elders by celebrating their sage wisdom, sharing in magnificent feasts, and of course... shooting fireworks!


1Eversong Woods, Silvermoon City, DalaranA HHumanoid
1 - 60MoongladeA HHumanoid
1Azuremyst Isle, The ExodarA HHumanoid
Druman Shadowgrove
<Lunar Festival Herald>
30The ExodarA HHumanoid
1IronforgeA HHumanoid
80Borean TundraA HHumanoid
80Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid
60Blasted LandsA HHumanoid
60TeldrassilA HHumanoid
60SilithusA HHumanoid
60DarnassusA HHumanoid
60MulgoreA HHumanoid
80WintergraspA HHumanoid
60WinterspringA HHumanoid
60IronforgeA HHumanoid
80Utgarde PinnacleA HHumanoid
60UndercityA HHumanoid
60OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
60Burning SteppesA HHumanoid
60TanarisA HHumanoid
60Thunder BluffA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
60StratholmeA HHumanoid
60Dun MoroghA HHumanoid
60Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
60FeralasA HHumanoid
60Stormwind CityA HHumanoid
60The BarrensA HHumanoid
60The HinterlandsA HHumanoid
80The NexusA HHumanoid
60Searing GorgeA HHumanoid
80Utgarde KeepA HHumanoid
80Drak'Tharon KeepA HHumanoid
80Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid
60Western PlaguelandsA HHumanoid
60FeralasA HHumanoid
60Western PlaguelandsA HHumanoid
60The BarrensA HHumanoid
60Blackrock DepthsA HHumanoid
60Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
80DragonblightA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
60FelwoodA HHumanoid
80Borean TundraA HHumanoid
80Azjol-NerubA HHumanoid
60Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid
80GundrakA HHumanoid
80Borean TundraA HHumanoid
60SilithusA HHumanoid
60TanarisA HHumanoid
60AshenvaleA HHumanoid
60Burning SteppesA HHumanoid
60DurotarA HHumanoid
80Sholazar BasinA HHumanoid
80Borean TundraA HHumanoid
60Loch ModanA HHumanoid
60WestfallA HHumanoid
60AzsharaA HHumanoid
60Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
80DragonblightA HHumanoid
60Eastern PlaguelandsA HHumanoid
60MaraudonA HHumanoid
60Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
60undefinedA HHumanoid
60DarkshoreA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
60Blackrock SpireA HHumanoid
60WinterspringA HHumanoid
60Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid
80Zul'DrakA HHumanoid
80DragonblightA HHumanoid
60Un'Goro CraterA HHumanoid
80Sholazar BasinA HHumanoid
80Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid
60Zul'FarrakA HHumanoid
60Eastern PlaguelandsA HHumanoid
60The BarrensA HHumanoid
60Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
80Halls of StoneA HHumanoid
Fariel Starsong
<Coin of Ancestry Collector>
60MoongladeA HHumanoid
1UndercityA HHumanoid
1IronforgeA HHumanoid
1The Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, …A HHumanoid
1Stormwind City, DalaranA HHumanoid
3 - 60MoongladeA HHumanoid
60Moonglade, Undercity, Stormwind City, …A HNot specified
Loirea Galerunner
<Lunar Festival Herald>
30Silvermoon CityA HHumanoid
60Undercity, Stormwind City, Ironforge, …A HNot specified
55Stormwind City, Ironforge, Darnassus, …A HHumanoid
55Undercity, Stormwind City, Ironforge, …A HHumanoid
55Undercity, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, …A HHumanoid
MoongladeA HHumanoid
55Moonglade, Undercity, Stormwind City, …A HHumanoid
60Undercity, Stormwind City, Ironforge, …A HNot specified
1DarnassusA HHumanoid
1OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
1 - 60MoongladeA HHumanoid
Sinnea Starsong
<Lunar Festival Herald>
30Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
1 - 59MoongladeA HHumanoid


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