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35Dustwallow MarshA HHumanoid
42Dustwallow MarshA HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
50A HDemon
50A HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
[PH] Orgrun Iceflow
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
15A HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
41A HHumanoid
62A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Delyka
<Spirit Healer>
45A HHumanoid
62A HHumanoid
5A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Grummar Thunk
<Fletching Supplies>
1A HHumanoid
45A HHumanoid
62A HHumanoid
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Marna
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Nerrik Shoyul
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
35A HHumanoid
40A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Sharn
<Spirit Healer>
45A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Sherra Vayne
<Spirit Healer>
45A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Thurgas
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
[UNUSED] Tren'Shan
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
40Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
50A HGiant
1A HBeast
1A HBeast
10The Barrens, WinterspringA HBeast
45The HinterlandsA HHumanoid
Baelish Frostbane
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
40Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
20A HHumanoid
1A HHumanoid
Bertran Keldrake
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
1 - 2A HBeast
10OrgrimmarA HBeast
1 - 2A HBeast
1 - 2WetlandsA HBeast
10A HBeast
1A HHumanoid
1 - 2A HUncategorized
2A HBeast
1 - 2WinterspringA HBeast
10OrgrimmarA HBeast
10A HBeast
Cap'n Copyright
<Boat Operator>
40A HHumanoid
30WestfallA HUndead
Captain Obvious
<Boat Operator>
60A HHumanoid
4Hillsbrad FoothillsA HHumanoid
8Dun MoroghA HHumanoid
Captured Servant of Azora
<Specialist Tailoring Supplies>
22Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
1 - 2A HUncategorized
1 - 2A HBeast
1A HHumanoid
Connor McCoy
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
Corbin Halman
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
Cowardly Crosby
<Tailoring Supplies>
40Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
7A HHumanoid
Crazzle Sprysprocket
<Gnome Ticket Redeemer>
35A HHumanoid
<Race Starter Girl>
15Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
1A HHumanoid
Dark Iron Entrepreneur
<Speciality Goods>
30 - 31WetlandsA HHumanoid
Defias Profiteer
<Free Wheeling Merchant>
20WestfallA HHumanoid
19 - 21A HNot specified
<Spirit Healer>
35A HHumanoid
10A HBeast
Wailing CavernsA HHumanoid
Dolthar Stonefoot
<Spirit Healer>
62A HHumanoid
35Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
<Disciple of Naralex>
14The BarrensA HHumanoid
25Alterac MountainsA HHumanoid
10TeldrassilA HHumanoid
1A HHumanoid
1A HHumanoid
38A HHumanoid
1 - 2A HDemon
30Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
1Dun MoroghA HCritter
<Race Announcer>
35Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
1A HNot specified
10A HHumanoid
1 - 2A HBeast
1 - 2A HUncategorized
37Swamp of SorrowsA HHumanoid
50BadlandsA HHumanoid
<Weapon Merchant>
45Un'Goro CraterA HHumanoid
17The BarrensA HHumanoid
Gnaz Blunderflame
<Engineering Supplies>
42Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
32Thousand NeedlesA HMechanical
35Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
30Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
32Thousand NeedlesA HMechanical
32Thousand NeedlesA HMechanical
30Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid


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