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Survey Alcaz Island
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Survey Alcaz Island

Speak to Cassa Crimsonwing and use one of her gryphons to survey Alcaz Island. When your survey is complete, speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.


Survey Alcaz Island

Relevant Locations

The entirety of this quest happens in Dustwallow Marsh.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom


It looks like Renn's hunch about Alcaz Island was right. We need to survey that island, but it would take a whole brigade of troops to fight our way in there.

Theramore's defenses can't weather such a hit, so I've arranged with Cassa Crimsonwing, the apprentice to Theramore's gryphon master, to allow you to use one of her beasts to survey Alcaz from the air.

Alcaz Island holds the key to the mystery of the Defias' involvement in this kidnapping.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Archer's Wristguard
Gleaming Scale Breastplate
Bejeweled Dagger
You will also receive: 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4,600 experience


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