Quick Facts
  • Not available to players
  • Level: 37
  • Requires Level 32
  • Side: Alliance
  • Races: Alliance
  • Sharable
  • Difficulty: 32  33  35  40  46
Return to Jaina
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Return to Jaina

Speak to Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.


I must make plans to destroy the remnants of the Defias. Please convey my thanks to Lady Jaina, back in Theramore. She has ever been a loyal friend and steadfast ally.

Go to the Mage Quarter at the western end of the city and speak with Archmage Malin at the foot of the tower there. He will speed your return to Theramore.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Archer's Wristguard
Gleaming Scale Breastplate
Bejeweled Dagger
You will also receive: 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4,600 experience


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