Quick Facts
  • Not available to players
  • Event: Brewfest
  • Requires Level 1
  • Side: Horde
  • Races: Horde
  • Not sharable
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Did Someone Say "Souvenir?"

Redeem the Brewfest Stein Voucher with Blix Fixwidget in the back of the Brewfest camp.
Brewfest Stein Voucher (Provided)


Not only are we supplying brew to everyone, we also have steins to give out! Beautiful, commemorative steins all obtained by the most legal of means! Here's a voucher for one.

Talk to Blix near the back of the Brewfest camp. He's pretty strange, even more so now that he's always wearing those goggles. He'll handle the voucher for you, and any other Brewfest transaction.




You will receive:
Yellow Brewfest Stein
This quest will be converted to Did Someone Say "Souvenir?" if you transfer to Alliance.


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