Hearts of the Pure
Bring the hearts of Dalin Forgewright and Comar Villard to Carendin Halgar in the Temple of the Damned.Dalin's Heart | |
Comar's Heart |
Relevant Locations
The entirety of this quest happens in Undercity.Tip: Click map to zoom
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Men of honor and goodness? Does such a man exist?It took much research, but through bits of overheard stories, I managed to find two men that should do.
The first is Dalin Forgewright, who has dedicated himself to the care of the Lordaeron refugees, whom are refused by their kin at the Greymane Wall.
The other is Comar Villard, a man who remains faithful to his lost love, wandering the Wetlands for a sign of his wife.
Deliver their hearts to Carendin. But first, let me show you your quarry.
You will receive: 13 23 if completed at level 80Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 5 experience