Deliver the Gems
Deliver the Necklace and Gem Salvage to Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.Necklace and Gem Salvage (Provided) |
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Any necklace setting and gem will work, so long as they are the same material. This power source, however, is what will bring the magic back to the necklace... I hope.I'll gladly supply the gems needed for your version of the necklace, so long as the power source actually works.
Head to Orgrimmar and keep your end of the bargain with Droffers and Son Salvage. Just keep your mouth shut about our deal, and when you get back I might have a wonderful surprise for you.
You will receive: 1 25Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,600 experience
- 75 reputation with Orgrimmar