Call to Arms: Alterac Valley
Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran or Shattrath.
| Victory in Alterac Valley |
The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, <lad /lass>, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all!Critical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis. Today it is the battle for Alterac Valley that's in most need of brave combatants.
Go now, <name>, and aid the Stormpike Expedition. We cannot allow the Frostwolf Clan to get away with the violence they've inflicted on our brethren!
You will receive: 7 40 (or 19 86 if completed at level 80)Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 7 experience