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Signs Of The Times
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Signs Of The Times

Setup 5 Warning Posters in the Trade District,Mage District,or Cathedral District of Stormwind.
Posters placed (5)
Provided item:
Warning Poster


We've got to do something to reduce interest in this doomsday cult,but I'm hesitant to take much action until we know more about who is behind this group.

I've had my men place markers around heavily traveled areas of the city. Take these posters and set them up where you see the markers. They won't discourage the most determined of seekers,but it's a first step in exposing this cult. The already king has enough enemies without his own people turning against him.


You will receive: 35 (or 10 20 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest will be converted to Signs Of The Times if you transfer to Horde.



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