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The Missing

While wearing your Doomdsay Recruit's Robe,speak to Cultist Lethelyn,Cultish Kaima,Cultist Wyman,and Cultist Orlunn at Mirror Lake Orchard in Elywnn Forest.
Speak to Cultist Lethelyn
Speak to Cultist Kaima
Speak to Cultist Wyman
Speak to Cultist Orlunn


The cult isn't just spreading fear and paranoia anymore. Now,I'm receiving reports of missing people. Mothers,fathers,brothers,and sisters have seemingly disappeared,but I have a feeling they can be found in one of the cult's camps outside the city. If I give you the names of some of the missing people,would you try to locate them in the cultist camp at Mirror Lake Orchard? It's southwest of the city gates. To blend in,you'll need join the cult and get a robe from one of the doomsayers in Old Town.


You will receive: 35 (or 10 20 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest will be converted to The Missing if you transfer to Horde.


The Missing
8077220507 40The Storm Peaks
2828230Stormwind City
2828230Stormwind City
2828230Stormwind City
2828230Stormwind City
30282450Stormwind City
3028245Stormwind City
3128250Stormwind City
3128250Stormwind City
31281250Stormwind City
3328720Stormwind City
33281450Stormwind City
3328290Stormwind City
33281450Stormwind City
3528330Stormwind City
3628870Stormwind City
58501 30Stormwind City
38282900Stormwind City
1916145030Bloodmyst Isle
108420Azuremyst Isle
707095003 40Isle of Quel'Danas
63255104002 90Terokkar Forest
63255104002 90Terokkar Forest
50451700Swamp of Sorrows
52110Ammen Vale
149100The Barrens
149100The Barrens
1410980Bloodmyst Isle
8077110503 70The Storm Peaks


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