The Gordok Ogre Suit
Need another suit, do ya? Well, I'm not going anywhere soon it seems - bring me the same things I asked for from before, and I'll make you another ogre suit.Bolt of Runecloth (4) | |
Rugged Leather (8) | |
Rune Thread (2) | |
Ogre Tannin |
Relevant Locations
This quest has objectives in Dun Morogh, Swamp of Sorrows, Duskwood, Wetlands, Elwynn Forest, Durotar, Dustwallow Marsh, Azshara, The Barrens, Western Plaguelands, Stranglethorn Vale, Loch Modan, Westfall, Redridge Mountains, Arathi Highlands, The Hinterlands, Dragonblight, Zul'Drak, The Storm Peaks, Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Plaguelands, Darkshore, Icecrown, Mulgore, Hillsbrad Foothills, Ashenvale, Feralas, Felwood, Grizzly Hills, Desolace, Tanaris, Moonglade, Howling Fjord, Winterspring, Silithus, Undercity, Stormwind City, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Darnassus, Eversong Woods, Hellfire Peninsula, Silvermoon City, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Shadowmoon Valley, Zangarmarsh, Blade's Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, Azuremyst Isle, Borean Tundra, The Exodar, Shattrath City, Isle of Quel'Danas, Ulduar, Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave, Dalaran and Halls of Reflection.Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
You will receive:Gordok Ogre Suit |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 75 reputation with Steamwheedle Cartel