Quick Facts
  • Not available to players
  • Level: 60
  • Requires Level 50
  • Type: Raid
  • Side: Alliance
  • Races: Alliance
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 50  56  58  63  72
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The Dragon's Eye

You must search the world for a being capable of restoring the power to the Fragment of the Dragon's Eye. The only information you possess about such a being is that they exist.
Fragment of the Dragon's Eye (Provided)


A fragment of the shattered medallion is all that I can offer.

You must find another of dragon blood willing to assist you in forging a new key. Once you secure this key, you must travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh. It is there that you will find her lair, <name>.

Where to find other flights willing to help? Sadly, I do not know... They are said to exist. Some may even work and live among us, disguised as one of the humanoid races. I wish you luck.




You will receive: 57 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9,550 experience


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