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Separation Anxiety

Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to recover his twin brother's remains. Find and return Huntsman Malkhor's Skull and Huntsman Malkhor's Bones to Huntsman Markhor.

Markhor mentioned that his brother's remains were fed to the oozes and wolves of the Vilebranch. He also mentioned that there is a refuse pit filled with oozes in Jintha'alor as well as a wolf den. Both of these places are near the top of the temple.
Huntsman Malkhor's Skull
Huntsman Malkhor's Bones

Relevant Locations

The entirety of this quest happens in The Hinterlands.
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Like many in our village, I too have lost a loved one to the wilds. Alas, it was my twin brother Malkhor - taken in the same raid as Torntusk's mate by the Vilebranch.

Sadly, he was not fated to live and was given a swift, brutal execution; his remains fed to the oozes and wolves of the Vilebranch.

It is too late to save his life but not too late to save his soul. Recover his remains, <name>.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Greenleaf Handwraps
Laquered Wooden Plate Legguards
You will also receive: 75


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6,810 experience


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