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Meeting the Warchief
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Meeting the Warchief

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner wants you to take the Letter Sealed by Sylvanas to Thrall in Orgrimmar, capital of Durotar.
Letter Sealed by Sylvanas (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This quest starts in Undercity and ends in Orgrimmar.
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I haven't lost any love for my homeland or its people, as you know. I've fought tooth and nail for Silvermoon to be allowed a place beside Undercity and Orgrimmar at the negotiating table.

This should silence any opposition. Take this letter to Thrall in Orgrimmar. As leader of the Horde he will have the final say on accepting the sin'dorei's pledge.

I've added my own seal to the letter as a personal endorsement. Go northwest of the city and board the zeppelin bound for Durotar at the tower.




You will receive: 10 20 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,650 experience
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar



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