The Ultimate Bloodsport
Bring the Heart of Tusker to Hemet Nesingwary at Nesingwary's Safari in Nagrand.Heart of Tusker | |
| Suggested players: 2 |
The queen of all that dwell in Nagrand is known as Tusker. She's a giant elekk the likes of which you won't see anywhere else!You're right to be fearful of that name. Bach'lor, Gutripper, and Banthar are nothing when compared to her. It is said that she can be found on a huge bluff far to the southwest overlooking Oshu'gun. Bring me her massive heart if you dare.
Do you want to leave a letter with me so that I can have it delivered to your next of kin in the likely event that you don't return?
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Hemet's Elekk Gun | Nesingwary Safari Stick | ||
Harold's Rejuvenating Broach | Blessed Book of Nagrand | ||
Totem of the Plains | Fitz's Throwing Axe | ||
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 17,950 experience