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  1. CrabAggro


7 - 9Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst IsleA HBeast
Blackfathom DeepsA HBeast
5A HNon-combat Pet
50 - 51A HBeast
69 - 70A HBeast
49 - 50TanarisA HNot specified
47 - 48TanarisA HNot specified
19 - 20AshenvaleA HBeast
10 - 11DurotarA HBeast
1Dragonblight, Howling Fjord, Ghostlands, …A HCritter
11 - 12A HBeast
1A HBeast
31 - 32
DesolaceA HBeast
58 - 59A HBeast
1A HNon-combat Pet
9 - 10DurotarA HBeast
18 - 20DarkshoreA HBeast
30 - 32DesolaceA HBeast
69A HBeast
70Howling FjordA HBeast
75Icecrown CitadelA HCritter
68 - 69Howling FjordA HBeast
1Halls of Stone, Halls of LightningA HCritter
5 - 6Eversong WoodsA HBeast
52 - 53Un'Goro CraterA HNot specified
24A HBeast
45A HNot specified
49 - 50TanarisA HNot specified
48 - 49TanarisA HNot specified
57 - 58SilithusA HNot specified
59 - 60Un'Goro Crater, SilithusA HNot specified
58 - 59SilithusA HNot specified
70 - 71A HBeast
<"Two Huge Pincers">
72DragonblightA HBeast
68 - 69Borean TundraA HBeast
1Burning Steppes, Searing GorgeA HCritter
43 - 44Swamp of SorrowsA HBeast
15 - 16A HBeast
A HNot specified
5 - 6DurotarA HBeast
9 - 10DarkshoreA HBeast
20 - 21DarkshoreA HBeast
15 - 17DarkshoreA HBeast
12 - 13GhostlandsA HBeast
13 - 14WestfallA HBeast
44Zul'FarrakA HBeast
15 - 16WestfallA HBeast
17 - 18WestfallA HBeast
Ruins of Ahn'QirajA HNot specified
34 - 35Thousand NeedlesA HNot specified
18 - 19The BarrensA HBeast
32 - 33Thousand NeedlesA HNot specified
40 - 41Swamp of SorrowsA HBeast
6 - 7Azuremyst IsleA HBeast
Blackfathom DeepsA HBeast
72A HUndead
22 - 23
Blackfathom DeepsA HBeast
40 - 41Stranglethorn ValeA HBeast
20 - 21AshenvaleA HBeast
58Blackrock SpireA HBeast
74 - 80DalaranA HNot specified
1A HNon-combat Pet
7 - 8DurotarA HBeast
1A HBeast
50A HBeast
12 - 14DarkshoreA HBeast
5A HNon-combat Pet
A HNot specified
10 - 11DarkshoreA HBeast


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