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  1. GoblinMaleGruffNPCGreeting01
  2. GoblinMaleGruffNPCGreeting02
  3. GoblinMaleGruffNPCGreeting04
  4. GoblinMaleGruffNPCGreeting06


"Backstab" Bindo Gearbomb
<Arena Battlemaster>
70Shattrath CityA HHumanoid
"King" Dond
<Arena Organizer>
70NagrandA HHumanoid
"Lefty" Puddemup
<Arena Battlemaster>
70Blade's Edge MountainsA HHumanoid
70Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Durotar, …A HHumanoid
Arzo Safeflight
<Flight Master>
80WintergraspA HHumanoid
39Dustwallow MarshA HHumanoid
<Stable Master>
30WinterspringA HHumanoid
Battered Brewer
50A HHumanoid
45DesolaceA HHumanoid
Bilko Driftspark
<Flight Master>
75Borean TundraA HHumanoid
<B.O.O.M. Fire Marshal>
68NetherstormA HHumanoid
Bip Nigstrom
<Arena Organizer>
70TanarisA HHumanoid
Bipp Glizzitor
<Arena Battlemaster>
70Silvermoon CityA HHumanoid
<Nogg's Machine Shop>
75Borean TundraA HHumanoid
<Blacksmithing Supplies>
65 - 67NetherstormA HHumanoid
30DurotarA HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
Brikk Keencraft
<Blacksmithing Trainer>
54Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
Broxel Goldgrasp
80IcecrownA HHumanoid
Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle
<The Maiden's Fancy>
40The BarrensA HHumanoid
Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle
<Gadgetzan Water Co.>
50TanarisA HHumanoid
<B.O.O.M. Jr. Mech Tech>
67NetherstormA HHumanoid
Cid Flounderfix
<Flight Master>
75DragonblightA HHumanoid
Crewman Grit
<The Zephyr>
26MulgoreA HHumanoid
Crown Supply Sentry
<Crown Chemical Co.>
80Elwynn Forest, Stormwind CityA HHumanoid
14A HHumanoid
80A HHumanoid
30OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
45Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
50DurotarA HHumanoid
50A HHumanoid
60A HHumanoid
60 - 65NetherstormA HHumanoid
70Borean TundraA HHumanoid
Fight Promoter
<Arena Battlemaster's Assistant>
70Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Durotar, …A HHumanoid
First Mate Nilzlix
<Blackwater Raiders>
39Arathi HighlandsA HHumanoid
Fizim Blastwrench
<Arena Battlemaster>
70Thunder BluffA HHumanoid
60Hellfire PeninsulaA HHumanoid
45The BarrensA HHumanoid
Gelvas Grimegate
<Darkmoon Faire Ticket Redemption>
25Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, Terokkar ForestA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
80Isle of ConquestA HNot specified
70A HHumanoid
30Thousand NeedlesA HHumanoid
68 - 71Borean TundraA HHumanoid
Gorgril Rigspark
<Used Demolisher Salesman>
70A HHumanoid
35A HHumanoid
60Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
Grennix Shivwiggle
<Pit Fighting Promoter>
74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid
Grezzix Spindlesnap
<Master of Disguise>
72Howling FjordA HHumanoid
45Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
65NagrandA HHumanoid
<Fight Promoter>
75Zul'DrakA HHumanoid
54WinterspringA HHumanoid
<Captured Zeppelin Owner>
70Howling FjordA HHumanoid
Herzo Safeflight
<Flight Master>
80WintergraspA HHumanoid
1IcecrownA HNot specified
71 - 72Borean TundraA HHumanoid
30Stormwind CityA HHumanoid
60 - 64NetherstormA HHumanoid
55WinterspringA HHumanoid
Jaxin Chong
<Alchemy Trainer>
46Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
80The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid
30Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon CityA HHumanoid
30Ironforge, Darnassus, The ExodarA HHumanoid
Kip Trawlskip
<Flight Master>
75Howling FjordA HHumanoid
Kiz Coilspanner
<Flight Master>
65GhostlandsA HHumanoid
Kizz Bluntstrike
42Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
12OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
Krendle Bigpockets
<Orgrimmar Zeppelin Master>
45Thunder BluffA HHumanoid
15A HHumanoid
Landro Longshot
<The Black Flame>
60Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
Lead Sapper Blastfizzle
<B.O.O.M. Sap Foreman>
69NetherstormA HHumanoid
Blackwing LairA HHumanoid
Max Xim
<Arena Battlemaster>
70IronforgeA HHumanoid
N. D. Meancamp
<B.O.O.M. Salvage>
67NetherstormA HHumanoid
65 - 67NetherstormA HHumanoid
75DragonblightA HHumanoid
67NetherstormA HHumanoid
Nixx Sprocketspring
<Goblin Engineering Trainer>
55TanarisA HHumanoid
<Apprentice Engineer>
35OrgrimmarA HHumanoid
80Icecrown, Halls of ReflectionA HNot specified
A HHumanoid
70Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Durotar, …A HHumanoid
75DalaranA HHumanoid
<Mining Trainer>
40TanarisA HHumanoid
<Venture Co.>
20Stonetalon MountainsA HHumanoid
Public Relations Agent
<Crown Chemical Co.>
40 - 50Undercity, Stormwind City, Ironforge, …A HHumanoid
45TanarisA HHumanoid
53Un'Goro CraterA HHumanoid
Ram Master Ray
<Ram Racing Master>
30DurotarA HHumanoid
Ramik Slamwrench
<Arena Battlemaster>
75DalaranA HHumanoid
Rex Pixem
<Arena Battlemaster>
70UndercityA HHumanoid
<Tinkers' Union>
5DurotarA HHumanoid
Rigger Sparklight
<Used Demolisher Salesman>
70A HHumanoid
<Leatherworking Supplies>
43Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
80DalaranA HHumanoid
Rocket-Chief Fuselage
<B.O.O.M. Commander>
70NetherstormA HHumanoid
70Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Durotar, …A HHumanoid
75DalaranA HHumanoid


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