Quick Facts
  • Level: 38
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Stats:
    • Health: 1,604
    • Armor: 1,684
    • Melee: 53 - 70
    • Ranged: 36 - 53
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Cork Gizelton

This NPC can be found in Desolace (1).
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom

Quotes (6)


00On respawnWalk on waypoint path #11625. React passive while following the path.
10After Event #0Remove Gossip and Quest Giver npc flags from self.
20After Event #1Remove Gossip and Quest Giver npc flags from closest alive Rigger Gizelton within 0m.
30Data field #0 is set to 1Continue on waypoint path.
40After Event #3Disable run speed.
50After Event #4Set Event Phase of self to 1.
60Reaching waypoint #52Call Timed Actionlist #1162500. Updates out of combat.
70Reaching waypoint #76Call Timed Actionlist #1162501. Updates out of combat.
81Reaching waypoint #84Call Timed Actionlist #1162502. Updates out of combat.
91Reaching waypoint #92Call Timed Actionlist #1162503. Updates out of combat.
101Reaching waypoint #100Call Timed Actionlist #1162504. Updates out of combat.
111Reaching waypoint #107Call Timed Actionlist #1162505. Updates out of combat.
120Reaching waypoint #193Call Timed Actionlist #1162506. Updates out of combat.
130Reaching waypoint #209Call Timed Actionlist #1162507. Updates out of combat.
141Reaching waypoint #215Call Timed Actionlist #1162508. Updates out of combat.
151Reaching waypoint #223Call Timed Actionlist #1162509. Updates out of combat.
161Reaching waypoint #233Call Timed Actionlist #1162510. Updates out of combat.
171Reaching waypoint #240Call Timed Actionlist #1162511. Updates out of combat.
180Giving Bodyguard for HireCall Timed Actionlist #1162512. Updates out of combat.
190On deathFail Bodyguard for Hire for previously stored targets.
200After Event #19Despawn closest alive Rigger Gizelton within 0m
210After Event #20Despawn random instance of Gizelton Caravan Kodo within 100m
220After Event #21Despawn self



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