Quick Facts
  • Level: 76
  • Classification: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Stats:
    • Health: 66,934
    • Armor: 8,520
    • Melee: 1,131 - 1,466
    • Ranged: 748 - 1,082
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The location of this NPC is unknown.

Quotes (4)


0When out of combat, After 6 sec
No Repeat, Repeat every 1 ms
self says TextGroup #0 to self
Gorgonna says: I used good judgment when you showed none. I don't want to see you lead us into ruin, Krenna!
Duration: 6 sec
1Gorgonna is done talking TextGroup #0self says TextGroup #1 to self
Gorgonna says: It doesn't have to end this way, you know?
Duration: 18 sec
2Gorgonna is done talking TextGroup #1self says TextGroup #2 to self
Gorgonna says: We'll see about that.
Duration: 15 sec
3Gorgonna is done talking TextGroup #2self says TextGroup #3 to self
Gorgonna says: Why... why sister? Why did it have to come to this?



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