Quick Facts
  • Level: ??
  • Classification: Boss
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Stats:
    • Health: 1,117,800
    • Mana: 63,100
    • Armor: 6,708
    • Melee: 234 - 331
    • Ranged: 198 - 295
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Grand Magister Rommath

The location of this NPC is unknown.

Quotes (9)


0Data field #1 is set to 1Run on waypoint path #37763. React passive while following the path.
1Data field #2 is set to 2Cast Icy Prison at previously stored targets.
2Data field #3 is set to 3previously stored targets says TextGroup #4 to previously stored targets
Grand Magister Rommath says: You will have what you have come for, <name>. Take the sword and begone. And you, Auric, have a care what you say in this sacred place.
3Data field #8 is set to 8Run on waypoint path #3776300. React passive while following the path.
4Data field #2 is set to 2previously stored targets says TextGroup #0 to previously stored targets
Grand Magister Rommath says: Look at it, Lor'themar. It is certainly Quel'Delar.
5Data field #8 is set to 2previously stored targets says TextGroup #5 to previously stored targets
Grand Magister Rommath says: The regent speaks truly, <name>. Thalorien's sacrifice could not prevent the fall of this very Sunwell.
6Data field #8 is set to 3previously stored targets says TextGroup #8 to previously stored targets
Grand Magister Rommath says: Reclaim the sword, <name>, and bear it through that portal to Dalaran. Archmage Aethas Sunreaver will be waiting to congratulate you.
7Data field #8 is set to 4Run on waypoint path #3776300. React passive while following the path.



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